Winning at wellness: HR’s mental health responsibility at work


By Cordelia Morgan-Cooper

With mental health and wellbeing gaining greater focus in the workplace, Cordelia Morgan-Cooper returns with a look into how HR departments within igaming are creating a new atmosphere for employees.

In the fast-paced and potentially hectic work environments within the igaming industry, mental health and well-being have emerged as critical issues affecting employees' overall productivity and job satisfaction. HR departments play a pivotal role in fostering a supportive atmosphere that prioritises mental health. By implementing comprehensive strategies and initiatives, HR can help to create a work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and equipped to manage their mental well-being.

Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how employees think, feel, and act, influencing their ability to handle stress, relate to others, make decisions and perform in their roles. In the workplace, poor mental health can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover rates. Conversely, a focus on mental well-being can enhance employee engagement, creativity, and loyalty whilst also driving high performance.

The role of HR in promoting mental health

HR departments are uniquely positioned to influence workplace culture and implement policies that support mental health. By promoting awareness, providing access to resources, and fostering a healthy work environment, HR can substantially impact employees’ well-being and overall organisational success. There are several key areas where HR can drive positive change.

Creating a supportive work culture

One of the most crucial roles HR plays is in creating a supportive culture. HR teams can shape a workplace where discussions about mental health are normalised, helping to reduce stigma and encourage employees to seek help when needed. This can be achieved through raising awareness by organising workshops, seminars, and training sessions to educate employees about mental health. Training provided by organisations like The Richmond Foundation in Malta can equip staff with the tools to recognise symptoms, support colleagues, and understand the resources available.

Raising awareness

In addition to creating a supportive culture, HR can provide employees with access to resources that support their mental well-being. Offering confidential counselling services through Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) is a practical first step. HR should also explore partnerships with external organisations to provide more comprehensive mental health resources, for example, mental health certifications. Several igaming businesses in Malta have added counselling sessions as an additional benefit to deal with both work and personal stress.

Beyond counselling, HR can introduce wellness programmes that focus on physical health, stress management, and emotional balance. Activities such as yoga, mindfulness sessions, and fitness challenges help employees reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Another growing trend is offering mental health days, as seen with companies like TAG Media, which provides employees with five annual days off specifically for mental health. This initiative removes the stigma of needing time off for mental well-being and helps employees recharge without fear of repercussions.

Several igaming businesses in Malta have added counselling sessions as an additional benefit to deal with both work and personal stress

Leadership engagement

Training and development of managers and senior leaders are equally important. HR can provide managers with the skills to recognise and address mental health issues in the workplace. Conflict resolution training, for instance, equips managers with the tools to handle workplace tensions, which helps reduce stress and prevent burnout.

Additionally, mental health first aid training can empower employees to provide immediate support to colleagues in crisis, further embedding a culture of care within the organisation.

Flexible work arrangements

Flexible work arrangements are another area where HR can significantly improve employees’ mental health. Remote work options give employees the flexibility to manage personal responsibilities alongside their professional ones, reducing stress and improving work-life balance. 

Offering flexible working hours allows employees to tailor their schedules to their individual needs, such as caregiving or managing personal health

Similarly, offering flexible working hours allows employees to tailor their schedules to their individual needs, such as caregiving or managing personal health. These arrangements not only improve well-being but also promote greater productivity and job satisfaction.

Creating safe and healthy work environments

A healthy physical work environment is essential for overall well-being, and HR plays a critical role in ensuring safe and healthy workplaces. Providing ergonomic workspaces, for example, helps prevent physical strain, which can contribute to stress. Many igaming companies offer benefits for employees to purchase ergonomic equipment to make their home office set up, ensuring they have comfortable and health-promoting workstations, whether at home or in the office. 

HR can also promote healthy workplace initiatives by encouraging regular breaks, providing healthy eating options, and creating physical or virtual spaces for relaxation and social interaction.

To ensure that mental health initiatives are effective, HR departments must regularly measure and evaluate their impact. Conducting employee surveys and gathering feedback helps HR teams understand how well mental health programs are working and whether employees feel supported. Tools like BambooHR allow HR teams to collect feedback through surveys, performance reviews, and other methods to monitor trends in employee satisfaction. Data analysis is also crucial. 

Tracking absenteeism, turnover rates, and productivity can provide insights into areas where mental health initiatives may need to be strengthened. With this information, HR teams can continuously improve mental health strategies and refine programs to better meet employees’ needs.

Conducting employee surveys and gathering feedback helps HR teams understand how well mental health programs are working and whether employees feel supported

By prioritising mental health and taking a proactive, multi-faceted approach, HR departments can help build a resilient, engaged, and productive workforce. Through creating supportive cultures, offering access to resources, providing training, and ensuring flexible and healthy work environments, HR can foster a positive organisational culture where mental well-being is a shared priority.

This, in turn, leads to a more engaged, productive, and loyal workforce, ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organisation. Prioritising mental health is not just an option; it is truly a necessity for any forward-thinking igaming business committed to its employees' overall well-being and success.


Cordelia Morgan-Cooper

has over a decade of international HR and recruitment experience. She has developed a passion for driving happiness, wellbeing and success in the workplace, having seen first-hand the impact of an engaged workforce when it comes to both recruitment and employee retention.

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